Oh hey hi guys. This final “last” blog is for all you Calypsoites out there. I have had a chance to read the cards you gave us at the end of the trip and it warms my heart to understand that we all did have one humdinger of a trip, a true Odyssey of an experience!
We've been everywhere man! |
Like I said in the last blog, I was off for a feed and a few bevies with the guys at the Hyatt and wammo what a spread it was. What a ripper, terrific food, great bubbles and loads of it. Brilliant idea Mandy, really top draw, thanks. I trust you and the others out there have a good time out in Australia with Jim at the real end to the trip, congratulations and well done and yes Mandy, you were right, Em deserved a better prize as Blog winner, so trust Pete will not skin me alive when he finds out that Odyssey paid her meal at the Hyatt...she wrote a great blog, as did you. Fear not Pete I paid for my meal............
Seafood at the Hyatt in Singapore |
Crab meat |
Fresh prawns |
Meat platter |
Chocolate & raspberry slice |
Chocolate fondue |
Ben getting his money's worth in the dessert buffet |
I must confess that I also feel sad because reality really set in as we said good bye to one and all as we headed back up to Malaysia and Calypso, the trip is over. I mean of course I knew this before but somehow it only really sinks in when it happens! Thanks again guys, keep in touch and who knows where we will next meet, an AA meeting most likely. Trust you all got your flights ok. Here we had a painless journey back. Bus to Melaka and Calypso was parked up in KL by 5pm, curry and bed by 7:30pm. Next stage the big clean and sort out ready for shipping. Bosh what a day of cleaning it was, no rain thank goodness. Colin, Wendy, Clare and Steve all helped and we blasted through the truck, wood rack and tyres off, tyres changed, sand mats off, seats out, bull bar off, tents up cleaned and away, kitchen cleaned and away, brilliant. Knackered but happy, just need to do a service, board her up and we are ready, which reminds me I must phone the shipping agent!
A real spring clean |
Sweaty CJ |
All hands to the pumps |
Calypso gets a full once-over |
CJ actually working |
Colin, Wendy, Clare & Steve, brilliant work, thanks guys! |
Head-butting the tyre |
Inside Calypso ready for shipping |
Cleaning the tents |
Steve gets to grips with Calypso's nuts |
Tents'r'us |
The name says it all, thanks Colin |
Tyre time |
Few photos here of the last few days just to keep those end of trip blues away as Calypso is now ready and so are we for the next great adventure, whatever that may be. Trust all is good post trip, facebook says it is and that you all arrived at your next destinations safely. As my gramps used to say, keep taking the pills and carry on. RE truck gear for the UK is safely packed away, will mail you once we know UK arrival date....laters, CJ out
The Odyssey Boys in Melaka, Malaysia |
The Odyssey Girls in Melaka |
CJ & Jim all dressed up at the Long Bar, Raffles, Singapore |
Travelling the subway in Singapore |
Tent buddies, Mandy & Emily |
Denis, Ben & Steve |
Sylvia & Russell |
Colin & Wendy |
Sandra & Keith |
Sally |
Mel |
Zoe |
Susan |
Aoife |
Lucy |
Jenn & Claire |
The Long Bar, Raffles Hotel, Singapore |
The Scottish Connection - Clare & Denis |
Saying farewell to Emily in Singapore |