So as am unable to select one, will put up all four.
1. Another step towards the Raffles Singapore Sling, and what a pleasantly relaxing step it is.
2. George, a tribute to China, great guide and man who became a great friend.
3. Now that is where Jim’s mug got to.
4. Departures and future adventures.
Oh hey hi out there. So what news? Here all is just dandy, if slightly moist, horribly hot and sticky. Guess that is the price you pay for driving nearly half way round the world in search of fun, adventure and meaning.
We are in Laos, a complete about face to China. Slow, relaxed, no honking car cars for crying out loud. Chopsticks replaced by the good old KFS. Hot spicy noodles replaced by steak with blue cheese sauce and bacon sarnies...god life is hard, and we are staying in places for up to 4 days, what bliss.
Now settle down as this maybe a bit of a long blog, Ben read on. I have I believe dealt with title number one above, photos to follow as to what we are actually doing here, eg cycling around, eating fresh BBQed fish, swimming under waterfalls, sipping banana shakes.
Re title number two. All our guides have been fantastic but I feel George touched all of us more than we expected. He really became an integral part of the group. He really magnified the China experience and gave us a great insight into what it is all about. We in return showed him roast dinner, Guinness and pies. A fair trade I feel. We met his family, saw his gaff and we became friends. It was a sad parting but as they say it was adieu not au revoir. A couple of the ladies gave him a great parting photo and I believe Jim and I are going to club together and buy him a laptop as this is what he needs to be able to better guide and grow. What a top man he is, George we will miss you.
George, Jim and Emily at the Bad Monkey bar, Dali |
George and the boys |
George in the cab catching a quick forty winks |
George the romantic |
George, battered |
George, Ben and a song on their minds |
George, Nicky & Richard |
George |
Group with George |
Title number three...Andrea was I believe the drive behind this little bit of it is not just gnomes that wander off on their own private adventures...some mugs do too....check the photos out.
A rose amongst thorns |
Tourist mug |
Aye aye sailor |
Big mamma mug |
Busking mug |
Commuter mug |
Every mug's dream |
Medieval mug |
Miracle mug |
Mug actually being used as a mug |
Mug and friends hanging out |
Mug moves |
Title number four. Again a sad good bye as Andrea and Richard have decided that they wish to leave the trip and set off on adventures new. Had a blinding night with them last night and will stay in touch. It has been great having them on the trip and as I explained to them last night they have helped me to better understand what is actually important in life. They will in my mind always be associated with a rather good book called The Sacred Art of Pilgrimage.
After all is that not what we are about here at Odyssey? Is that not what we are about as people, both here on the trip and where ever it is you are reading this. Are we not all pilgrims of a sort, seeking a way through life?
As Sir Walter Raleigh said back in 1604: “Give me my scallop shell of quiet, My staffe of Faith to walke upon, My Script of Joy, Immortall diet, My bottle of salvation: My Gowne of Glory, hopes true gage, And thus ile take my pilgrimage.”
And on that note I will leave you and sort some photos out to help transport you here and experience some of the great times we have been having and continue to have. Mum, Dad, know that I love you and thank you for giving me such a great life. Am hoping to get out to HK and meet up with you guys and meet the little prince for the first time. Until then I with all the other Calypsoites, word used with kind permission of Mandy, will continue to have a great time as the big blue truck moves ever onwards. Well big blue sauna out here to tell you the truth! Laters CJ out
Aoife & Lucy at the Great Wall |
Bad taste cowboy |
China bushcamping encounters |
CJ the bum |
Cracker camp, Kyrgy |
Great Wall leap |
Group, Dali |
Hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil |
Hiking, Kyrgy |
Jim and team celebrate Denis' joy |
Jim the worker |
Kazakh bushcamp |
Kyrgy, Lake Issyk-kol |
Calypso wine, Kyrgy |
Memories |
Sally & Nicky |
Richard proposes a toast to Grandpa Denis |
Steve's little brother... |
What a great night! |
Zoe, Ben, Jim - Dali |