Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you’ve imagined.
Hiya there, how do. Still not able to read the blog but gather that not all photos being sent back are making the grade. There was rumour of a rather tasteless naked shot, terrible. So to make amends I would like to start this blog by mentioning a poem I feel is a little too long to put up here but it is called A Psalm of Life by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. I would urge you to read it as it really expresses what we are all doing, which is acting, so that “each tomorrow finds us further than today” Something us Calypsoites relate to. We have done some travel these last few months, both physically and mentally as can be attested to by the photos below.
How do you describe to someone the pain of a 12 hour terrible road or the joy of a chance encounter as you sip mare’s milk in a yurt by a lake in a country most people have never heard of. The rub is that it is the mix of these two ingredients that make the trips what they are. A bit of hardship serves to show us that there is pleasure and sweetens its taste. Overlanding, it is not pretty but it is real. Pete, Kirsten, once again thanks for giving us the chance to be on this crazy venture of discovery and life affirming fun. This ain’t no office job I can tell you, and it is no holiday either, it is overlanding and that means discovery, adventure and fun! Expect the unexpected and never forget where you are.
Looking at them, looking at us, looking at them... |
Leaving Wuwei we had a rather unpleasant surprise as the road turned to pants. Things need to get worse before they can get better as they say of road building but that is of scant comfort when you sit for two hours for no good reason other than the police could not organise a...you know where I am going with this. Suffice it to say we arrived rather tired and late in Lanzhou, on the banks of the Yellow river. From here we had an early departure and reasonable roads to on our way into Xi’an, where it would have helped if I had read the map better but we arrived in the chaotic rush hour to find our parking space was on the road surrounded by hundreds of people! Anyway, hot and tired Jim parked her up and we trooped into the hotel, which turned out to be a joy of hot water and comfortable beds not to mention the first real encounter we have had since Turkey of other tourists. Well of tourists as I feel we can now call ourselves true travellers, after all how many people do you know that have driven from London to Xi’an and are still only half way through their adventure!
The other side of the great Chinese-road-building-machine, well off the beaten track here! |
Welcome party |
Welcome to Wuwei, entering the city through the South Gate |
Wuwei south gate |
Yesterday we were once again up early as we drove the 30 or so KMs to the Terracotta Warriors for a memorable look at one of the world’s great sites. Funny thing is we were not alone, there must have been 50 coaches, and loads of cars there, a real Chinese tourist experience. Never have I been in so many photos, beginning to go to my head, I feel famous.
Terracotta Warriors |
Terracotta Warrior car park - an experience in itself! |
Back from the warriors we packed the youngs or rather Ben and his babes off to Beijing on the sleeper as they had all opted for the Beijing side trip. They have the Forbidden City, Summer Palace, Great Wall and tombs on their minds, as well as a bit of partying I fancy.
There was then a chance for a bit of western indulgence as Dunkin’ Donuts and the like are just around the corner from the hotel, which is just around the corner from the very impressive Bell Tower and Drum tower. The day was topped off by a room party in the Party Girls room and some very tasty food in one of the local cafes. A delightful late start today as we enjoy a blessed free day of absolutely nothing to do.....BRILLIANT!
The magnificent bell tower in Xi'an |
Tower on city wall |
Typical Chinese street |
A horribly early start looms tomorrow as we drive to Chengdu, but the knowledge that we have 4 nights there certainly eases the pain of the early departure. That as they say is that. I must now start to look at and do the bookings for the next stage of this mad venture which is S E Asia. I will leave you now as I sit here in the hotel, coffee and donut in hand planning yet more fun and adventures for us Calypsoites. Let me end with a short extract from a book I once read which seems to sum it all up for me
“...it has affirmed my belief that our purpose as spiritual Beings is to follow our bliss, seek our passions, and live our lives as inspirations to each other.”
Oh yes, Amen to that. Be safe and smile, speak soon, CJ out.
Your name is on the list you can come in... line up |
Behind every good worman, there is a good man... with a camera |
Chill time |
Classic camping cow action |
Classic party attire... |
Basketball |
Richard and Andrea in Batumi |
Get off your horse and drink mare's milk! |
Great group moments |
Group meeting |
Memories of when it was cold, but warm welcomes from locals |
Mooooooo! |
Mountain memories |
Muddy moments |
Service with smile |
This practice session is paying off here in China, they love it! |
We do not stop playing because we get old, we get old because we stop playing |
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