Saturday 14 May 2011

Eastern horizons… beauty but no internet…

OK...get ready this is a big blog entry and getting see the thing is we are seeing some great sights but there is no I will keep going and get this to you asap.....

So where were we...ah yes....
Blue Mosque at night
Istanbul's iconic Blue Mosque
Inside the mosque
Inside Basilica Cisterns
Underground in the Basilica Cisterns

Fresh from a rather damp but relaxing stay in Istanbul we arrived, after our longest drive yet, in the magical village of Goreme which means hidden city and that is exactly what it is, tucked just under the skyline it makes for a great base from which to explore the surrounding area and its many attractions. The main draws of the area are the underground cities and beautiful and naturally carved rock dwellings.

We arrived to some spectacular but dark weather. Fears of a cold night were alleviated by the news of a cave at the campsite with a roaring log fire! So safely snuggled up we were delighted the next day to discover some glorious sunshine which was to stay with us the next few days as we walked, bussed and quad biked our way around the sites.
Hot air balloons above the Cappadocia scenery
Exploring the caves
Goreme group jump--Goreme.efarmer
Jump if you are having a good time!
Goreme Wot this is a Cave
Inside the camping cave
Funky landscapes
Caves and weird rock formations

From Kaya camping, which had become like a home from home, we travelled due east and bush camped as we headed towards the hanging monastery at Sumela.  Our highest camp was just below the snow line at 2,000 metres with spectacular views.
Keeping warm at 2,000m above sea level
A great spot for a camp
Stunning views from the bushcamp

Truck life is now the norm as we move, shop, eat, set up camp...move, get the this is perhaps a good spot to mention the hospitality of this great country, Turkey. Our shop stops have resulted in tea for all, our wood buy resulted in free wood and we have been visited by farmers at our bush camps with gifts of mushrooms and other local foods. Travel, not only is it about the sites but the people and the generosity of the human spirit, brilliant!
Cooking 10052011003
Cook group hard at work
Cooking 10052011155
Setting up camp
Cooking 10052011158
Cooking 10052011160
Classic relaxed campsite action
Tea 10052011002
Anyone for a cup of tea?  Going local with Turkish apple tea in a Turkish tea cup

The first Calypso truck quiz night was a winner and was brilliantly organised by some of the group. That is the great thing about this sort of travel, there is a great feel of “family and friends” amongst us Calypsoites.
The Odyssey Overland 2011 group family
Colin signing up on the Calypso wheel of fortune.  All names go on the wheel then when we stop up at night we see who has won, the winner being the name at the bottom of the wheel.
Getting into the local brews
Truck party!

Hope you are still with me....really must get internet and get this “out there”....

We arrived in Macka, our launch pad for a visit to the stunning Sumela Monastery which is perched precariously on a cliff edge.
Sumela Monastery (what it would have looked like without the mist and the rain...)

We are nearing the end of our stay in Turkey with Georgia and the Caucasus our next destination. Bring it on!  Right I will leave it there and get this off as soon as possible...but lastly there is a photo of yours truly typing away in the cab cum control module cum crew living space. OK laters CJ
CJ 13052011164
CJ on log duty
Just to prove it isn't all admin, this is me doing tough outside work too
Jim 11052011161
Jim showing Calypso's versatility, back bumper cum workbench with a vice

1 comment:

  1. Great Blog - thanks so much, great to get the rcent news.

    Happy to hear your 'Travelling Family' have bonded so well. Wish we could be with you all, but alas not this time.
    Take care and keep up the enjoyment and fun all of you x
