Sunday 12 June 2011

Khiva & Bukhara

“Tell me what you saw”, they asked as the traveller returned, tired and dusty. They sensed in him a calmness they had not felt before.

Yo, not the way to start a proper sentence I know but there we are. There are a lot of things that are not proper but they exist, the road from Khiva to Bukhara for example. Well what will be the road when it is finished. At the moment it rather resembles a stage of some imagined torture gameshow from Japan where contestants sit in a boiling hot truck and take as much road punishment as they can before bailing. We lasted 10 hours and reached our destination before anyone bailed. And a number of the Calypsoites are suffering a cleansing of the guts, if you know what I mean. A really hardy bunch of overlanders we have road can scare us, no temperature is too hot or cold...we have our sights set on Australia!

So we were in Khiva and had a great time. Fantastic hotel, great guided walk, fab group meal and a comfy bed in a hotel. I will chalk that one up as a result, oh and Jim headed off again and secured visas for onward travel...brilliant.
Aged beauty
Aged beauty
Art in action
Art in action
Doorway through to the secret garden
Doorway through to the secret garden
Emily in Khiva
Emily in Khiva
evocative buildings conjour up dreams of far off places
Evocative buildings conjure up dreams of far flung places
History in the heat of Khiva
Khiva in a nutshell.efarmer
Khiva in a nutshell
Stunning Khiva
Stunning Khiva
The only way is up.....or down if you wre naughty
The only way is up... or down if you are naughty

We then set off early to Bukhara, arriving weary but ever ready we sprang (well crawled off) the truck and parked her up. We washed and ate or ate and washed before settling into the hotel courtyard for a celebratory drink, Colin turned 21 again. A good night was had and sore heads the next morning were proof of such, should it have been needed.
Colin, the birthday boy, and Wendy

Bukhara, the scene of the bug pit, Stoddard and Connely, The Great Game and the like was the focus of the guided walk as Mirza fired out more facts than anyone could hope to retain. Bukhara is a fantastic mix of architectures with minarets, mosques and The Ark, or citadel, throw in a monster minaret that “the guilty” were thrown off, tied in a bag with wild cats and there you have it. The tour was followed by lunch then we all retreated to internet, sleep or shop as we so desired.
Bukhara digs
Bukhara digs
Jewish merchant's house cum hotel
Jewish merchant's house cum hotel
Mirza, our regal Uzbek guide
Mirza, our regal Uzbek guide
Natural and man made beauty, Bukhara
Natural and man made beauty, Bukhara
What you looking at!
What you looking at?
I will, once more, let the photos explain the these are not the best shots as they will be coming on future blogs as the photo stick is currently doing the rounds with the group. I will sign off for now and enjoy a day when we have no visas to chase, ferry to catch or...well nearly anything...there is always something but today we are having a rest! Samarkand is calling and we will heed its call....tomorrow.
Laters, CJ, Jim and the Calypsoites
CJ sitting down on the job
CJ sitting down on the job
Jim sleeping on the job!
Jim asleep on the job

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