Monday 20 June 2011

When one door closes…

“Little did I know at the time, out of my greatest despair was to come the greatest gift”
“Change is never a loss it is a change only”
“Be willing to have it so. Acceptance of what has happened is the first step to overcoming the consequences of any misfortune”

When one door closes another opens, and so it shall be for us. While in Samarkand I had the rather unenviable task of informing the guys that due to factors completely beyond our control Tibet is closed to foreigners this year. A major blow to those that had built up mental pictures of the experiences and memories they would receive on this future part of the trip.

The mood was sombre as the reality sank in that we are travelling through and experiencing the real world, both its ups and downs and things will not always go our way… Our route is blocked by politics, Tibet is closed to foreigners. I am, maybe,at an advantage in that this is not the first time that I have been so struck by fate. I was in fact earlier in the year due to work on a rally from London to Cape Town until we were stopped by the Foreign Office. It is always a blow to receive this sort of news but solace can be had in the knowledge that, and I do not know how this happens but it does, as one door closes so another one does indeed open up.

I understand that this, at the moment, is of little solace to shattered dreams but they will rebuild and Odyssey is busy working on the fabric and glue that will help rebuild them. The details are still being finalised, but our new routing will see us driving deeper into China, visiting the Terracotta Warriors at Xi’an and the Pandas in Chengdu, world class sites and not the only ones on the new route. There is also the chance for a visit to Beijing and more time in northern Laos as well as adding in Hanoi and Halong Bay in the north of Vietnam and national parks in Thailand and Malaysia. And Calypso drives all the way down to Singapore.
So I will sign off and post but two photos, an 11the century caravanseri closes and one opens, and a reminder shot of where we are. And a message for any Calypsoites reading this. Know that Jim and I and all the Odyssey team will keep going and try our hardest to help deliver the trip of a lifetime. Let’s not forget that we are here in places most only dream of visiting, and have already had two unforgettable months of travel and can look forward to four more! Who knows what the future holds, is that not the joy of this type of travel...of life?
one door closes but another opens
One door closes but another opens
looking in the distance
Looking into the distance

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