Monday 20 June 2011

Mission to Tashkent

Following news of the route changes enforced upon us by the closure of Tibet to foreign tourists this year, wounds still need to heal but there was a nice feel on the truck as we drove from Samarkand to Tashkent and, I feel, we all are coming out the other side. Poker was played and beer drunk last night, accompanied by the sweetest of sounds, laughter. Today the guys have all decided that there are only so many sites one can see and so have swapped culture for something a little wetter, namely a water park. So am looking forward to hearing how it all went....the only real concern is that Aoife may get all are on guard to make sure she is fully covered. The feel is that we are all now satisfied that we have experienced enough culture and hotels and are looking forward to some bush camps and a couple of borders as we head through Kazakstan to Kyrgyzstan and a somewhat more “earthy” or natural side of Central Asia with some big bush camps at some top spots....we are thinking of a spit roast somewhere in there not to mention some walking and maybe even horse riding. I am also looking forward to a reunion party with the guys I was at Russian school with in Bishkek so I will leave you on a positive note this time and feel that we have all really had a whole range of experiences so far, all helping to shape us and show us what actually is important in life.

On that note please let me finish off by saying hi to the newest member of my family, Archie, and his parents, my brother and wife. He celebrated his first visit to London for which I was unfortunately not there but judging by the photos all the rest of the clan were there to welcome him, brilliant. Ok, speak when I can as we travel ever eastward...Photos attached, a mix of shots giving a feel for what we have ben up to these last few weeks! Be safe and speak soon, CJ
At the customs office in Turkmenbashi port, Turkmenistan
Letting off steam at sunset, 80km from Bereket, Turkmenistan
Denis with one of the statues at the Monument of Independence, Ashgabat, Turkmenistan
Paul assisting with the building of a bread oven, Jerbent, Karakum desert
CJ celebrating his 43rd birthday at the campsite near Ichoguz, Turkmenistan
Richard, Colin & Sylvia enjoying their lunchbreak, near Konye Urgench, Turkmenistan
Zoe holding the equivalent of US$50 in Uzbek Som
Clare, Aiofe and Colin in Bukhara, Uzbekistan
Colin enjoying his birthday dinner of shashlik, Bukhara, Uzbekistan
Jenn performing at the 11th Century Caravansaray in Sardoba, Uzbekistan
A campsite show from CJ in Telavi, Georgia
Bush camp hair salon
Bush camp hair salon
Chilling out in the shade, Khiva
Chilling out in the shade, Khiva
Jenn outside the MGM Grande
Jenn outside the MGM Grand
Local colour, Uzbekistan
The ladies ready for birthday celebrations
The ladies ready for birthday celebrations
Willy Wonker enjoying some after dark entertainment
Willy Wonker enjoying some after dark entertainment...

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